Friday, June 29, 2007

Welcome to the Howl-iday Inn

You might remember that a couple of weeks ago, we had my brother's weiner dogs for a few days. This time, it was my sister's "Shih-tzu", Victoria's Dashing Dakota, but we just call him Koty. :) He is a cutie:

RJ loves it when his fur-cousins come to play :) Koty went home last night, RJ has been looking for him everywhere..."Ko-tee out?? Take Ko-tee out?" Poor little guy, he just got over asking about the wieners every 10 minutes.

Good to know Augie has choices for the next time we go out of town ;o)

My brother and sister will probably fight over who gets to keep him, I mean would you LOOK at that FACE??


MamaGord said...

How cute! And I love RJ's crocks. Oh and by the way you have been tagged ;)

Debbie365 said...

What does 'tagged' mean?