Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Out With the Old...

Well, our 8 year old fridge has gone to the great appliance center in the sky, or whatever the appliance-equivalent is for the rainbow bridge. :) We certainly expected it to last longer than 8 years, but

NOW all of my appliances match!! So that makes me happy.

There is much more to this story of my day than what you see here. And this is the reason I'm not telling the rest:

I don't know if any of you have heard of this, but it was started by a minister out in MO. It is based on the belief that you can create a new habit in 21 days. You wear the bracelet, and when you catch yourself being negative or complaining, gossiping...basically anything that doesn't promote a positive, healthy and Christian attitude, you have to switch the bracelet to your other wrist and start over. Once you go 21 days without having to move the bracelet, you can email them and they send you a "certificate of happiness". :) I won't go into what went on today with the delivery of this new refrigerator, suffice it to say that my wrists are sore and chafed, and I ended up just taking the bracelet off and throwing it across the room. :) Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day in my quest for happiness and a more positive, uplifting spirit and attitude.
Btw, you can find out more and get some free bracelets HERE.
I got 10 yesterday, so I have a few if any of you in my vicinity would like one. ;)


pissed off patricia said...

I would probably never make it beyond day one. My frig is older than your's and I would love it if it just passed away...............it refuses. Bummer!

Sharon said...

With a name like that, I don't reckon you would!! LOL :) Today you could've called me "P'Oed Sharon"

MamaGord said...

Man that is a cool idea sorry it did not go well today though. My parents go a new fridge and had to have it replaced about once a month for four months until they got one that was not defective.

Lissa said...

Love the new fridge! I could use one of those bracelets, I think...
Can I leave my kids at your house for the 21 days? :)

Sharon said...

I have a bracelet for you. :) And if you leave YOUR kids at MY house, what would become of MY bracelet?? LOL! We just need to alternate weeks. You take mine, I'll take yours... ;)