Friday, August 24, 2007


Yep, it finally happened. We have killed too many scorpions to count now, since we moved in almost 3 years ago. No one has been stung...well, except for one of the guys who was painting our dining room. (I felt horrible!!) But last night, I was standing by my bed talking to R, watching RJ bounce all over the place when all of the sudden...!!! I felt the worst, stinging pain in my little toe. I jumped up and grabbed my foot and saw him scurrying away as fast as he could go. UGH!!

This isn't the one who did the stinging, this is the one I caught in the shower two nights ago. I threw him in the sink long enough to take pictures and then gave him a burial-at-sea. :) No, the one who stung me ended up pieces after R got done with him!
And to answer your question, yes it hurt pretty bad. Probably somewhat worse than a wasp sting, compounded by the fact that he got me in the most tender part of the bottom of my pinkie toe. It swelled a little bit, and it would start to ease up and then all the sudden start THROBBING again. Anyway, I survived it. I'm just glad he got me and not RJ...


Ampersand said...

I think I would just have to move. Those things look very nasty. Nice shots though, :).

Lissa said...

Since when do we have scorpions in FL? Wait, I did see one in MIL's house right after it was built. I just thought those things lived in the desert. I'd like to see what Pure Florida has to say about it.

Sharon said...

A - they are VERY ugly. Especially when you are trying to take a shower and you notice one in there with you...

M- Evidently they are native to this area, and all the construction got in their way. I think I saw one the whole time I was growing up here. Then we moved here and saw hordes!! I'm interested in his experience with this too. :)

Sharon said...

Ok, that looks funny. Saw one the whole time I was growing up "here" on the Southside, and then we moved "here" where we are now and saw hordes... ;)

Debbie365 said...

I only saw them when we were in Central FL. Fortunately, never saw any 'here' except at your house. :-)

Shana said...

Ooooo!!! My cousin lived in Port Orange FL for a few years and she said that she has seen a few in her home. Sorry you got stung. And you did take great pictures of the little critter. :o)

Stephanie said...

I'm with ampersand...I'd just have to pack up & move! Here in GA it's everything else! We have spiders, roaches, and any other creepy crawly you can imagine. I'm just glad my daughter isn't afraid to kill them...that's right, Mommy wakes up the little one to come kill the bug in the hallway :)

Melinda said...

So THATS why i heard a crescendo of ow ow Ow OW OW! lol

MamaGord said...

Man that is yucky! You reminded me to call my pest control on Monday though.

R.Powers said...

You poor thing. I had one crawl up my jeans when I was putting in fence off of Joe Aston road once. He nailed me about 3 times before I could shake him out.

I'm glad you are okay. Our scorpions are, as you said, much like a good wasp sting. Not life threatening unless you are allergic.

You're a good Mom to be grateful you got it and not your son.
Scorpions like to be under things during the day. If you have wood stacked near the house or anything like that, it's a favorite habitat.

They're pretty good at slipping in under the tiniest crack or door gap too.

Sharon said...

FC, somehow I knew you had some experience with this! We don't have any wood piles or anything, but we do back up to some woods. We are new construction (3 years old) and I think the only thing we can do is put new weather strips on the doors. Got to do something, I'm tired of dodging them!

Linda said...

Call the Exterminator! That just gives me the creeps! I'm glad your okay!!

Wolfchild said... thing I do not like about working so near the woods are these...we have been very fortunate none of the children have been bitten thanks to great exterminators!!!!!!! poor thing...