Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Joyous Jumpers?

Why do mullet jump? There are a few different theories. This is from the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute:

"Why do mullet jump?
No one has been able to ask a mullet why it jumps. In waters with low dissolved oxygen, mullet may jump more frequently, which might indicate a greater need for oxygen. Some biologists feel that jumping aides mullet in removing parasites; others believe it may be part of schooling behavior in mullet. An intriguing notion is that maybe they just like to jump."

I was at County Dock for sunset last night. The mullet were going crazy. One after another, sometimes in pairs, sometimes you would see three at a time jumping. I would try to snap one and I would hear two more splashes on the other side of the dock! They are all interesting theories, but I prefer to believe they are leaping just for the joy of it. :)


Lissa said...

That is just awesome!

Anna said...

A very interesting post! Thanks for sharing. It must've been something, trying to get shots with so many jumping. :-D


Dirkus said...

That is a killer sunset--beautifully captured.

Alan said...

Maybe they enjoy sunsets, too. :)

Andromeda Jazmon said...

Wow those are fantastic shots! The color is stunning.

KOSTAS said...

This fishes jump above water in order to they escape from big fishes that chase him! Most times they accomplish him!
Marvellous blog with splendidly posts and beautiful photographs!