Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Three-hundred and Sixty-five

Yep, today is day 3-6-5...I have been blogging for exactly one year :)
I have learned some things, met a lot of nice people (from all over the world!), and had a lot of fun with my camera. Here are some of my favorite shots from the past year, one from each month:
January, this was the first day I had my new camera, it was the most amazing sunset I had ever seen:

February, one of many trips to local parks:
March, Azaleas blooming:

April, wildflowers in the woods:

May, playing outside:

June, discovering new sights close to home:

July, fireworks of course :)

August in the butterfly garden:

September, one of my favorites from a favorite park:

October, the Harvest Festival and Queen Esther getting vampy ;)

November, the Blue Angels!!!
December, and the wonder of Christmas :)

Carrying a camera everywhere definitely makes you see the world differently. I have really enjoyed it, and I will of course, continue this blog :) I guess I need a new name for it, so if you have any suggestions feel free to leave a comment and share it!
Thank you all for sharing your blogs with me, I have really enjoyed your pictures and the glimpses into your lives all over the world. I have enjoyed my family and friends participating too, I hope you all continue!


Debbie365 said...

All simply ama-za-zing! If you have hit 365, I guess I'll be coming up on that soon too. I have lost track!

Tom said...

Very well done Sharon
I must admit I have not been around for all those days, but this last 3/4 months as seen me each day at least. I have always enjoyed your posts, be it pictures or your words.
As for a name... just slot 'Another' in there somewhere.
What ever you come up with I hope to be sharing the coming years blogging with you.

Onwards and Upwards :O)

Andrea said...

Congratulations on one year. Love all the pictures. The church one is my favorite I guess because churches hold a special place in my heart being God's place to worship.

imac said...

Congrats on the 365 days blogging.
You certainly have a great collection of photos, brill work.

Did you catch my steam post the other day?????Hope you liked.

Thanks for asking after DW she's slowly on the mend, phew! bless her.

Mike's Travels said...

Many congratulations! You're a better man than me, if you see what I mean.

Lissa said...

Well, happy blogobirthday!

Scrivener said...

You've got a great collections of favorites there. I especially love the shot through the chain-link fence.

Kostas said...

Very good idea, but also the photographs.

mamaino said...

you're a great photographer...!!!

Andromeda Jazmon said...

Beautiful retrospective! I have enjoyed your blog so much and I always am grateful for your comments on mine. Happy blogoversary! For the name you could just add "+1". 2008 is a leap year, and you're in your second year so either way you're covered.

R.Powers said...

Congratulations! Your pics just get better and better. That was a nice look back.
Here's to the next 365!

Mandy said...

I want to see the Blue Angels so bad! Love all your pics by the way!

Linda said...

Congrats to the blog queen. I love reading and looking at your pictures.

linda said...

Your photos are so lovely and rich in colour and life. I hope you continue on blogging and posting up photos for a long time yet.

Misty DawnS said...

Wow - these are fantastic! I started to pick a favorite - but they are all so awesome that I gave up and decided I love them all! Happy Blogoversary!