Sunday, March 1, 2009

Photography Field Trip

First to the Scottish Highland Games in GreenCove...

Then back over to Ravine Gardens...
and ending with a gorgeous sunset on the St Johns :)


Kat Mortensen said...

Your weather is so nice. As much as I moan about the winter, I still think I'd miss the seasons.

We have a very famous Highland Games every August in a small town north of here. Believe it or not, even though we lived there for a while, we never actually went. Silly.

The shots of the flowers are vivid and inspirational!


imac said...

Brill photography still I see Sharon,lol.
Love that sunset, and my! how your son has grown too.

I've finished blogging on Skywatch and My World, it got that I had no time to visit anyone , only those on sk and MyW.

Hope all is well with you and family.

imac said...
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