Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Forest for the Trees

Or in this case, the hawk for the crystal! I was pulling in the driveway after dropping Melinda off at work, and I was loving the way the sun was lighting up this crystal I have hanging from my rear-view mirror. I pulled half-way into the driveway (where the light was right) and was taking some pics of it before I pulled in the garage. Suddenly I felt like I was being watched...

I looked up, and this hawk was sitting on my garage, just looking down at me :) Of course, as soon as I aimed the camera at him, he took off.
Wonder what else I may have missed while taking other pics? Oh well, you can't win 'em all!


Andromeda Jazmon said...

Wow that is really amazing! What a great capture.

Linda said...

I'm surprised he didn't sqawk at you. Looks like he has left my area and moved south. Maybe I can attract some other birds now.
Great picture and catch!

Tom said...

The one as the Hawk as taken to the air is a stunner... there will be other chances I sure for you to capture it sitting.. but taking off..... well thats great.

Lissa said...

It's a good thing Zeke isn't teeny tiny any more...