Saturday, February 7, 2009

Doing our Part

to stimulate the economy :) My husband has been eyeing flat-screen hd tvs for a while now, so we have been shopping around for a while. The tv we had was one we bought right before we got married, which this month will be 10 years ago. I wasn't all that interested, I figured a tv is a tv, right? WRONG!! LOL, our old tv has been good...we've had to fix it once. With my internet research skillz and my husband's proficiency with a soldering iron, we were able to do it ourselves. But THAT state-of-the-art-circa-1998 TV doesn't hold a candle to this new one...

52 inches of hi-def, looks like you could walk right into the picture!
So at the same time, we upgraded to a 7.1 surround system. Got it at Circuit city for a great price, couldn't pass it up. I'm glad HE knows what to do with all those wires, I'm lost!
He also picked up a blueray player. Another item I was completely ignorant about. I feel like I JUST caught up with DVD's instead of VHS! That's what they do to you though, you have this nifty new hi-def tv, naturally they have developed all the hi-def components to put with it.

My favorite feature of this new sound system is the ipod dock, just plug it in, and you have tunes! Fabulous :)
Of course, while we were browsing the carcass that was Circuit City, we had to check on the camera situation :D Another "deal we couldn't refuse"...well, I couldn't anyway...they had the Canon 50D for 30% off. It wasn't out, I asked if they had any left and they had was supposed to be the display model, but they hadn't ever put it out. It just sat behind the counter and was never even plugged in and turned on. I had her plug in the battery and charge it enough to see it was working, and she rounded up all the accessories for me and I was on my way! It was crazy, there were 3 or 4 people hovering behind me, waiting to see if I was going to get it. You can believe, once I had it in my hands, I did NOT put it down! LOL

So, we are finally caught up with the new technology...until tomorrow when the next big thing comes out!
But remember, we ONLY did this for the good of our country, cuz that's how we roll! ;oP If you're selfless do-gooders like we are, you'll get out there and spend all your money too!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

It was good :) We rented it on blueray, with RJ, it's been watched at least 6 times since Thursday night, LOL