Thursday, January 24, 2008

I think I have settled on a name for my spot on the information super-highway...

"Live Out Loud" is the name of one of my favorite songs. While technically I still follow the 365 format, I was ready for a change, and "Sharon366" just seemed too obvious :)

Here's the song, if you're so inclined:

Oh, you don't have to change my name in your links. :)


imac said...

Live out Loud - sounds good.

Have you captured the tree People like I have

Lissa said...

So, la la la la live out loud...
Love that song! I didn't even think of this year being a "366". How clever of you!

Ampersand said...

I like it!

Mandy said...

lol, the first thing I thought about when I read about the name change was, "Oh, now I need to change the name in my links..." Then I read the last line of your post. I'll probably change it anyway...