Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cardinals in the Snow

It was amazing - we stopped to gas up at a truck stop. I was walking around outside, watching some black birds hopping around in the parking lot. The thought occurred to me "Wouldn't it be awesome to see a red cardinal in all that white snow?" Immediately, as if it was scripted, this female flew right by me:

I took her picture, as I held my breath. And sure enough, right after her came her mate:

Sometimes it seems like God will just do little things to show His love, things that don't matter much in the grand scheme. But things to make you smile and feel His presence, as surely as if He were physically standing next to you. :)

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Carla said...

Wonderful pictures! Cardinals are such beautiful birds.

Ampersand said...

So beautiful. Nothing like a cardinal. Your photography was blessed. :)

Linda said...

Wow, I think God smiled on you. Those cardinals are beautiful and so are your pictures.

Lissa said...

Oh, wow! I held my breath just reading your post. We have a pair of cardinals around our house in springtime.

Tom said...

These really are beautiful birds in the true sense of the word. To see them with a background of snow is special.. your god was smiling down on you for sure.

Mike's Travels said...

They are so beautiful. I'm not sure if we have them in this country?

Stephanie said...

Like always, beautiful pictures!

imac said...

Great Beauty from above.

I know just what you mean, odd times you feel a little unsure of your self, then Bamg Something happens to make you think all well and you break into a smile.

Misty DawnS said...

That is SO awesome!

Debbie365 said...

I have to say, that was pretty awesome! I'm glad you were able to come with us. I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you (and I'm sorry you caught Tori's cold.)

linda said...

Oh, that bird is so lovely. I have only seen them on the odd Christmas card.

Andromeda Jazmon said...

Lovely! Red birds in snow... one of winter's delights. Great shots!