Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Preparing for Praise and Worship

The best choir I know:

Led by the best choir director I've EVER known:

(he looks a little wild-eyed in this pic, he was being silly)

And the piano player is not too shabby ;)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Driving Lessons

We did some driving tonight, first him:
Notice the white knuckling of the steering wheel:
Then her (actually she went first, but blogger won't cooperate):
And even whiter white knuckles (note the speedometer):

They both did pretty good. And I survived it :)
(note to self: call Dad and apologize for ever putting him through similar)

Monday, January 29, 2007

I love it!!

Awesome sunset on the St Johns tonight:

My lovely dd:
and the flowers that grow in my dining room ;)
Oh yes indeedy, I'm going to have F-U-N with this one. :)

Happy Anniversary/Valentine's to ME!!!!

Finally!! Ended up just ordering online from Circuit City and picking it up myself. Thank you hubby! :)

And on a more humorous note, when I got home from picking up aforementioned new camera, I had this email waiting:

I hope they do try to charge my credit card for that order...because it doesn't exist anymore!! MUAHAHAHA!!! Off to play with my new toy. :)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Nursery Babies

Lady, get that camera outta my face and let me eat!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Sportin' new pooh jammies

And watching "Cars"... AGAIN :)

Friday, January 26, 2007

Already shaving?!?!?

Daddy lets him "shave", note that he is using the back of the razor though...

Monkey see, monkey do!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The new Beethoven? Mozart?

Possibly! :)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fun after Church

My brothers will do ANYTHING to make me laugh


That's more like it :)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It's an everyday occurrence...

Can you see what is on our TV?

We bought this for RJ to watch in the car on the way to Orlando. Now he requests it every 2 hours, all day long. "Mama!! Want 'broom brroom'"!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Can you guess what these are?

If you guessed "refrigerator magnets"...YOU WIN!!! What can I say, long day. :)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

101 ways to use your little brother to amuse yourself

Number 1, put your shirt on him and drag him around the house like a ragdoll while he shrieks with laughter:

I meant to take my camera to church for today's offering...but I forgot :o) This is what went on tonight when we got home, so there you go.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Melinda's 15th Birthday Sleepover

My dd had some friends over to celebrate her birthday last night:

We already had a cake for her celebration with the family, so we opted for the ginormous cookie (rumored to feed 70, you know these 7 scrawny girls had polished off over half of it by this morning):

And the aftermath. Too much sugar, giggles and gossip. There were bodies everywhere. (actually, it's now almost noon and the scene has not changed. Looks like we served Jonestown kool-aid, but I swear they only drank Mt Dew):