Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Maybe a red shouldered? I missed an AWESOME photo op, when I came out of the building, he was perched on a handicapped parking sign. Right at eye-level!! I could have gotten him, if not for the boisterous, less-than-stealthy 3 yr old that was with me :) He heard RJ coming and flew up to this light in the parking lot. He was huge, I wish you could have seen him perched on the sign. The light he is on in the pictures is huge and doesn't do his size justice.

Check out those talons...
"How YOU doin'?"
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Gawdess said...

what a fantastic opportunity and you made good use of it! Handsome fellow.

Anna said...

Amazing! He seems to be looking right at you in that last one.


Shana said...


Could you please share with me where you got the code to add your flikr widget to your sidebar? I have been looking for days now and can't find anywhere to generate a code. My e-mail address is sis0321{at}hotmail{dot}com.
Thanks! :o)

Nessa said...

Wow, excellant shots.

Misty DawnS said...

These are absolutely amazing and fantastic photos! I've been trying for months to get a good hawk photo, but I think they are conspiring again me hehe They will sit there and watch me until I get close enough for a photo and then they fly away (I think they are laughing at me too).

Linda said...

What a great shot - were you at church or home - I have a great picture of what looks like the same bird. I didn't have my zoom, but was able to capture him in flight - I'll post it so you can see it.

Sharon said...

This was at church, he was right outside when I came out. I wish he had stayed where I found him - that would have been amazing :)

Tom said...

What a beautiful bird to come across.. well caught Sharon.. I enjoyed seeing these.. raptors are my favourite birds.


concretegodmother said...

omg, the top and bottom shots are AMAZING! hawks are exquisite!

R.Powers said...

He's great!
Hope that 3 year old is okay too.
Your Mom's flowers are pretty darn amazing also.

Scrivener said...

Wow. He's gorgeous.

Scrivener said...

Shana, someone has probably already sent you a link, but in case not or in case someone else is wondering, just go here and follow the directions.

imac said...

Super shots Sharon, love em all.

DrillerAA said...

This is a spectacular pic. It pays to have the camera with you at all times. That's a lesson I need to learn.

Craver Vii said...

"How YOU doin'?"

Oh that is SO hilarious!! We say that at home, all the time!

Great (in every sense of the word) bird!