Friday, November 16, 2007

Skywatch Friday

The sky is so exceedingly blue today, not a speck of a cloud or anything. I had to put something else in the picture for the camera to focus on! :) Hopefully at least a few clouds will come up by this evening for the sunset.


GAWO said...

Nice blue sky. :-) Lucky you. Here in the West Coast of Norway it is raining. Almost dark the whole day

linda said...

I love to lie on my back and stare at the blue sky. That photo is a beautiful vision.

Angie said...

Lovely blue sky :) Thanks for your comment on my Skywatch photo

Garden Angel said...

Beautiful blue skye!!!
I like the color of the leafs next to the blue color of the sky:)

Lissa said...

Perfect autumn sky.

Linda said...

I love it when we get the bright blue skies and very low humidity!

Marie said...

Lovely blue sky!

HildeS/Frøken Fryd said...

Wow, what a great blue color on the sky. Beautiful picture:o)

FO - 2 said...

A clear blue sky is the best! :)
Good weather.
The colour you added from the tree makes the photo beautiful.
Clear colours. :)
Have a nice weekend.

dot said...

The sky and the leaves together made a very pretty picture! You did good!

Andree said...

wow! that's gorgeous. you have the perfect foreground there.

Mike's Travels said...

Lovely.. I guess that's the trouble with cloudless skies, no sunset. Drat...we want it all don't we?

Tom said...

Well as you said it's blue... it is, but what a Blue... beautiful.

Andromeda Jazmon said...

I love those blue skies behind the autumn leaves.