Thursday, June 28, 2007

Almost $300 later...

And it's not even full. I would have had a beautiful picture of a rainbow, with a backdrop of blue sky and framed by puffy white clouds from this morning. But I LEFT MY CAMERA AT HOME. It would have been awesome, we were going over the bridge, Rory was driving...needless to say I'm not happy with my decision to leave the camera home this morning. So instead, you get to see the fruits (and vegetables) of my grocery shopping.
Lesson learned: TAKE YOUR CAMERA WITH YOU EVERYWHERE, you never know what you'll see. Well, that, and when wearing earphones to listen to your new ipod in the store, don't forget that if you start SINGING...everyone can HEAR YOU.


joelchappelljr said...

You are an interesting subject. When you were small there were many many many many many many many times things fell on your head while you still had a soft spot.

We would have tried to prevent it but it was always so gosh darn entertaining. And now we get this...

Sharon said...

This...froma man who has taken 17 pictures of his big toe...